Benefits of Colon Therapy
Colonics, Enema & Ozonated Water

How to Give Yourself a High Enema
This area is for information only, and should not be considered as medical advice. It is supplied so that you can make an informed decision. Please consult with your health practitioner before considering any therapy or therapy protocol.
- Fountain syringe bag (purchase at Drug Store for about $10.00)
- Filtered water
- Enema enhances: herbs, chlorophyll, aloe vera (as recommended by a health practitioner)
Steps to a great experience:
- Fill bathtub 1/4 to 1/2 full of warm water (or cool if you want).
- Hang fountain syringe bag on shower head or and adhesive hook, so tubing can reach down into bathtub.
- Have 1 or 2 - 1 liter glass jars ready with enema solution. (Prepare while bathtub filling.)
To prepare:
- Fill liter glass jar 1/2 full with cool, filtered water.
- Heat up some filtered water on the stove. (Don't use hot water from tap.) Add to cool water till reaches body temperature.
- Add Enema Enhancer recommended to you.
- Fill fountain syringe bag 1 liter at a time. (Make sure clamp is closed before filling.)
- Lay in bathtub on back. Open clamp to allow enema solution to just start to flow out; shut clamp. (This ensures no air is in the tubing before inserting rectal catheter.) After lubricating rectal catheter, insert into rectum.
- Open clamp and allow enema solution to enter slowly. Close clamp when feel pressure at rectum. Massage enema solution further up into the colon from left to right.
- Turn on right side. Open clamp again, allow enema solution to enter slowly. Massage colon as solution enters. Close clamp when feel pressure at rectum.
- Stay on side until feel urge to release. After releasing continue refilling colon with enema solution until finished.
- Raise knees above rectum by placing small stool or pillow under our feet while on the toilet. Massaging colon from right to left promotes better releasing when on toilet.
- When finished releasing, rinse fountain syringe bag with water allowing water to drain out tubing. Wash rectal catheter (after removing it from tubing) well with soap and water. Store rectal catheter in a clean container for future use.
- It is a good idea to smell the fountain syringe bag prior to each use to detect any bacterial contamination. If detected, soak in 3-5% hydrogen peroxide for at least 30 minutes. Then rinse well with water. (This can be used as a preventative measure as well.) Antibacterial soap (i.e. Nutribiotic) would also work well. Remember: rinse with lots of water after cleansing the bag.
NOTE: Enemas can be used daily when cleansing or detoxifying and then as needed. It takes a long time to rid the colon of a lifetime of waste! Using oral bulk fiber cleansers etc. will ensure your colon is getting a good workout and increasing its muscle tone, rather than becoming dependent on enemas. Also, increasing whole grains, vegetables & legumes in your diet will increase fiber intake.
Happy Cleansing |